But… I’m talking about humans.
Well that's whete the miscommunication was
Every species can domestic themselves, even humans did it.
But… I’m talking about humans.
Well that's whete the miscommunication was
Every species can domestic themselves, even humans did it.
Neoteny is 100% a thing and relevant to domestication...
But that's more because childhood is a very very expensive thing biologically that is punished harshly in most environments, but pays off dividends in adulthood.
At a certain point, it's best to never grow out of those conditions.
Domestication is a prerequisite for human civilization (permanent urban centers) which is seemingly a prerequisite for most of our advanced technology, said technology then intensifies neoteny.
You're still viewing it thru the lens of human civilization
The nature of domestication is often misunderstood. Most definitions of the process are anthropocentric and center on human intentionality, which minimizes the role of unconscious selection and also excludes non-human domesticators. An overarching, biologically grounded definition of domestication is discussed, which emphasizes its core nature as a coevolutionary process that arises from a specialized mutualism, in which one species controls the fitness of another in order to gain resources and/or services. This inclusive definition encompasses both human-associated domestication of crop plants and livestock as well as other non-human domesticators, such as insects. It also calls into question the idea that humans are themselves domesticated, given that evolution of human traits did not arise through the control of fitness by another species.
I think you'd be interested in that article
When people look back at films of the public from 100 years ago and notice that men in general seem to be less baby faced and have sharper features… they’re not wrong.
More so because everyone was a raging alcoholic that spent their time outside and sunscreen hadn't been invented yet...
Even the argument that an older father results in longer telemeres in a child and a longer time till aging sets in...
Old guys were marrying very young girls 100 years ago too.
More and more adult women have pelvises and birth canals incapable of safely delivering a baby without a C Section.
True, but that's the same reason we started to de-volve the appendix and then stopped: advancement of modern medical treatment.
An insane amount of women used to die in childbirth, while other cranked out 15 kids from the time they were 14 till they were 30.
Wanna guess if there was a correlation in hip size?
We don't have that evolutionary pressure anymore, so women with narrow hips can have just as many kids as women with wide hips.
When you remove evolutionary pressure, things that used to be selected against start becoming prevelant again.
Krapolis is a meh show, but I watched it all for Matt Berry and Richard (won't even try to spell, Moss from IT Crowd)...
But their episode on the domestication of wolves was amazing.
Every species can domestic themselves, even humans did it.
We show every charistic of it, even if people don't like talking about it.
Duke anthropologist Brian Hare argues that humans evolved in a way that left us more cooperative and friendlier than our now extinct human cousins, like Neanderthals and Denisovans.
NPR (www.npr.org)
Even Silverbacks, long thought to be the proverbial "alpha males" don't force females into their harems and recent research have shown that the Silverback they choose to follow is often the most compassionate one rather than just the biggest and strongest.
They're just all fucking huge, so it's really not that important if one is slightly bigger.