I’ve had a concept I’ve wanted to try for a little while for a special type of wild mage, but I’m not 100% sure how to implement it. Instead of wild magic just being a completely random chart of spell effects with no control over what you get, the spell caster would declare what he wants to end result to be… and the DM, or some more
limited random mechanism, would choose what spell (of the appropriate spell slot level) might get them closer to that result. If they want to get past an ogre guarding a treasure, they might cast a fireball, or maybe invisibility, or maybe some sort of teleport effect… they all advance towards the stated goal, but without the caster’s control of how, leading to the wild magic feel without the insanity and campaign crushing randomness other wild magic can bring. And there’s still room for some silly danger, as maybe the fighter is next to the ogre when the wild magic chooses fireball.
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