Was wondering about this and how it might not be the same as ones first system played.
(let's not count general dice or battle maps etc. this time)
For me it might be either Mouse Guard 2e boxed set or DnD 5e Tomb of Annihilation book.
Was wondering about this and how it might not be the same as ones first system played.
(let's not count general dice or battle maps etc. this time)
For me it might be either Mouse Guard 2e boxed set or DnD 5e Tomb of Annihilation book.
Use every opportunity to turn planning into information gathering.
I try to use every opportunity to stop the planning "phase" of the game and go to the information gathering before continuing the planning. This can be pretty much any unknown that the characters bring up, like some if -statement in their plan, some fact they are unsure about etc.
The information gathering might be anything from a simple skill check to a full adventure and after that we go right back to the planning.
This has removed a lot of planning hours that wouldn't have had anything to do with the situation they are going into.