Cellular Consciousness: Life Does Not End With the Death of the Body.
The discovery of a biological "third state" between life and death suggests that our cells may possess a form of consciousness. Science is divided.
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The discovery of a biological "third state" between life and death suggests that our cells may possess a form of consciousness. Science is divided.
Always exciting to learn about new perspectives on consciousness!
I have searched for the "Cellular Basis of Consciousness (CBC)" theory and I do not personally find it very compelling. I appreciate that the hard problem of consciousness is very difficult to address using the scientific method, but I suspect that consciousness arises from a form of processing that requires computations of the kind performed by animal brains. I don't think that the kind of biophysics that allows cells to sense and respond to the environment are enough to create a conscious experience.
About the: "third state". Cells are alive, independently of the multi-cellular organism that they come from. I don't agree that changing the way that the cells are organized constitutes some "third state".
Despite my disagreements, it is still nice to read and think about. Thanks for sharing.