A better title would be something like “New study reveals evolvability itself can evolve”.
New Evidence Reveals Evolution Itself May Actually Be Evolving -
Violence alters human genes for generations, researchers discover.I assume the “epigenetic signature” they describe is some kind of methylation?
Parasites successfully deliver drugs to the brain.It’s a compromise between RFK Jr’s organic parasites and Musk’s synthetic brain implants.
Study finds bullies have more children than non-bulliesAt least they managed to avoid mentioning “modules”.
Study finds bullies have more children than non-bulliesI guess a purely statistical consequence of this would be that the typical child has a greater-than-random chance of having a bully parent, and that chance increases with the number of siblings.
Study reveals that honeybee dance ‘styles’ sway food foraging success.Do insects have something analogous to a hippocampus for remembering places?