Jehova's Witnesses at the door.
Jehova's Witnesses at the door. If there is a god, he better get me time off for good behavior for not laughing my ass off when I saw the logo on the card that lady tried to give me.
They showed up here, too, this morning. One of them, a younger girl, seemed to be freezing while the grey hair went through her speil. I felt bad for her, and tried to coax her into at least standing in the sunlight.
Also, learned that they're looking forward to the Earth being flooded by zombies!
Jehova's Witnesses at the door. If there is a god, he better get me time off for good behavior for not laughing my ass off when I saw the logo on the card that lady tried to give me.
Also god better give me points for not filling this timeline up with meta bitching about bitching about bitching about the MHWilds complaints I see, because sweet jesus.
"but CJ isn't this just another layer of--"
Also god better give me points for not filling this timeline up with meta bitching about bitching about bitching about the MHWilds complaints I see, because sweet jesus.
"but CJ isn't this just another layer of--"
@CactuarJoe it's only complaining if it's not obfuscated *taps temple*