Maybe my players are just really bad at minmaxing, but by the gods enemies in #PF2E feel like absolute damage sponges.
Maybe my players are just really bad at minmaxing, but by the gods enemies in #PF2E feel like absolute damage sponges. Even at party level 6 the enemies remain pretty milk toast because anything but low-level mooks will take most of the night for the party to painstakingly work into a paste.
It’s a good thing we’re an investigative campaign because a combat campaign would be a painful one. #TTRPG -
Maybe my players are just really bad at minmaxing, but by the gods enemies in #PF2E feel like absolute damage sponges. Even at party level 6 the enemies remain pretty milk toast because anything but low-level mooks will take most of the night for the party to painstakingly work into a paste.
It’s a good thing we’re an investigative campaign because a combat campaign would be a painful one. #TTRPG@NullNowhere i get ya! especially compared to dnd, everyone in pf2e has more hp and does less damage.
from your description it sounds really slow tho, so i have to ask if your players have access to striking runes
Maybe my players are just really bad at minmaxing, but by the gods enemies in #PF2E feel like absolute damage sponges. Even at party level 6 the enemies remain pretty milk toast because anything but low-level mooks will take most of the night for the party to painstakingly work into a paste.
It’s a good thing we’re an investigative campaign because a combat campaign would be a painful one. #TTRPGThe party is at level 6, but what level are the enemies at? The level gap is very meaningful in PF2, with PL+2 creatures being twice as powerful as a PC. And hitting someone that's twice as powerful as you is, well, you know... Hard to do.
Are they fighting lower level enemies and still failing to do real damage? What's their gear like? And are they using teamwork? If they're not trying to impose debuffs on enemies, I would adjust how I fight, and introduce more ad-hoc circumstance bonuses and penalties.